FTP Command |
Description of Command |
! |
! command is used to toggle back and forth between the operating system console and ftp. If you are in the operating system command-line, type exit to move back to FTP command line. |
? |
Help. |
append |
Appends a local file to a file on the remote computer using the current file type setting. |
ascii |
Switch to ASCII transfer mode. |
bell |
Turns bell mode on or off. An audible sound after each file transfer command is completed. |
binary |
Switches to binary transfer mode. |
bye |
Exits from FTP. Similar to quit. |
cd |
Change directory. |
close |
Exits from the FTP session with the remote server and remains at the ftp> prompt. |
delete |
Deletes a file. |
debug |
Sets debugging on or off. |
dir |
List contents of the remote directory, if connected. Similar to dir command in Windows OS. |
disconnect |
Disconnects from the remote computer and remains in the ftp> prompt. |
get |
Get a remote file to the local computer using the current file transfer type. |
glob |
Toggles wildcard expansion of local file names. Globbing allows the use of the wildcards asterisk (*) and question mark (?) in local file or path names. |
hash |
Toggles number sign (#) printing for each data block that is transferred. When turned on, for each 1024 bytes of data received, a # mark is displayed. |
help |
Help. |
lcd |
Changes the working directory on the local computer. |
literal |
Sends verbatim arguments to the remote FTP server with a single FTP reply code as response. |
ls |
Lists files of the remotely connected computer. Similar to dir command. |
mdelete |
Multiple delete. |
mdir |
Lists contents of multiple remote directories. |
mget |
Get multiple files. |
mkdir |
Make directory. |
mls |
Displays an abbreviated list of files and subdirectories in a remote directory. |
mput |
Send multiple files using the current file transfer type. |
open |
Opens a connection to remote FTP Server. |
prompt |
Toggles between prompt mode on and off. Allows you to selectively retrieve or store files. |
put |
Sends one file. |
pwd |
Print working directory. |
quit |
Exits from FTP. |
quote |
Similar to literal command. |
recv |
Copies a remote file to the local computer using the current file transfer type. |
remotehelp |
Displays help for remote commands. |
rename |
Renames a file. |
rmdir |
Deletes a remote directory. |
send |
Copies a local file to the remote computer using the current file transfer type. |
status |
Shows status of currently enabled and disabled options. |
trace |
Toggles packet tracing. |
Type |
Set file transfer type. |
user |
Specifies a user to the remote computer. |
verbose |
Sets verbose on or off. When verbose is on, all ftp responses are displayed. |